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  • Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Gravel D, Leroux SJ, Poisot T, and Fortin M-J. Publication-driven consistency in food web structures: Implications for comparative ecology. Ecology, 2025, 106(1):e4467. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Bodner K, and Fortin M-J. Applying a method before its proof-of-concept: A cautionary tale using inferred food webs. Global Change Biology, 2024, 30(6):e17360. pdf_button

  • Gelmi‐Candusso TA, Brimacombe C, Ménard GC, and Fortin M-J. Building urban predator-prey networks using camera traps. Food Webs, 2023, 37:e00305. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Corrless RM, and Zamir M. Elliptic cross sections in blood flow regulation. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(10):23108–23145. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Michalska-Smith M, Poisot T, and Fortin M-J. Shortcomings of reusing species interaction networks created by different sets of researchers. PLOS Biology, 2023, 21(4):e3002068. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Michalska-Smith MJ, Gravel D, and Fortin M-J. No strong evidence that modularity, specialization, or nestedness are linked to seasonal climatic variability in empirical bipartite networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2022, 31(12):2510-2523. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Bodner K, and Fortin M-J. How network size strongly determines trophic specialization: a technical comment on Luna et al. (2022). Ecology Letters, 2022, 25(8):1914-1916. pdf_button

  • Bodner K, Brimacombe C, Fortin M-J, and Molnár P. Why body size matters: how larger fish ontogeny shapes ecological network topology. Oikos, 2022, 2022(3):e08569. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Corrless RM, and Zamir M. Computation and applications of Mathieu functions: A historical perspective. SIAM Review, 2021, 63(4):653–720. pdf_button

  • Fortin M-J, Dale MRT, and Brimacombe C. Network ecology in dynamic landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2021, 288(1949):20201889. pdf_button

  • Brimacombe C, Bodner K, and Fortin M-J. Inferred seasonal interaction rewiring of a freshwater stream fish network. Ecography, 2021, 44(2):219–230. pdf_button

  • Bodner K, Brimacombe C, Chenery ES, Greiner A, McLeod AM, Penk SR, and Vargas Soto JS. Ten simple rules for tackling your first mathematical models: A guide for graduate students by graduate students. PLOS Computational Biology, 2021, 17(1):e1008539. pdf_button

  • Leroux SJ, Brimacombe C, Khair S, Benidickson J, and Findlay CS. Legislative correlates of the size and number of protected areas in Canadian jurisdictions. Biological Conservation, 2015, 191:375–382. pdf_button

Book Chapters

  • Filotas É, Aquilué N, Brimacombe C, Drapeau P, Keeton W, Kneeshaw D, Messier C, Witté I, and Fortin M-J. Editors: Girona MM, Morin H, Gauthier S, Bergeron Y. In: Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change-Sustainable Management. Network framework for forest management. Springer-Nature, 2023, pp. 685-717. ISBN 978-3-031-15987-9. pdf_button

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Brimacombe C. PLOS Biology’s behind the paper: Why we cannot tell different types of species interaction networks apart. 2023. Link to Biologue

  • Bodner K, Brimacombe C, Fortin M-J. Re-examining evidence for birds optimizing fruit size near their geo-graphic limits. Science. 2024. Link to eLetter